IPL Photo Facial

IPL Photo Facial is like a boost of energy to your epidermis.  Photo Facial treatment is an intense pulsed light used to penetrate the skin on the deepest levels causing your body to produce new collagen and connective tissue, thus creating healthier and smoother skin.  Photo Facial lasers are safe for the face, décolletage, hands or any other body area.

Most patients undergo a series of 3 to 4 half hour treatment, about six weeks between each treatment.  After the first Photo Facial treatment skin will already feel smoother.  Like other laser-based procedures, IPL Photo Facial’s light beam typically feels like a rubber band snapping against the skin. Post treatment pain is reported as either very mild or non-existent

IPL photo Facial is a low risk, non-surgical procedure with clinical results which can rejuvenate your skin and make you look younger.

What are the side effects of IPL Photo Facial?

Side effects are mild and include temporary redness, discomfort or swelling.

What is the recovery time for IPL Photo Facial?

Photo Facial recovery time is virtually non-existent.  Some redness may occur after the treatment but is easily covered.  Patients are able to return to normal daily activities the same day as their treatment. A high factor SPF should be used during and after treatment.

To book a consultation call 01 8211807 or email info@cosmedics.ie